Dr. No Effects interview at The Guitar Knobs Podcast
Dr. No Effects recently did a interview at Guitar Knobs Podcast.
Dr. No Effects recently did a interview at Guitar Knobs Podcast.
Due to great succes, the COLOSSUS was sold out within two days after it was released. We at Dr. No Effects are building full time to make a new series that will be available on April 10th ’18 at shop.drno-effects.com. Keep your eyes peeled for the new stock cause they move fast.
Dr. No Effects and Los Angeles-based guitar conjurer and composer Sarah Lipstate (Noveller) are working on a very exciting new project, called MOON CANYON! (Picture by Priscilla C. Scott) Almost two years ago a collaboration started with Dr. No and Sarah Lipstate. A process of new ideas and experiments besides the comfort zone of niche guitar…
We were fortunate to meet and host the amazing and talented Tom Bronowski in our Laboratory. Here are some pictures taken during his visit by Tom Bronowski. All Tom Bronowski pictures are analog. Please check out other work from Tom Bronowski at his Gallery and Website
Dr, No Effects and Ruben Block proudly present the COLOSSUS! “Ladies and gentlemen! Finally! He’s here! The COLOSSUS guitar and bass pedal! The amazing Dr.No Effects isn’t just your average pedal-pusher.He’s a very creative individual who makes something unique, with personality and attitude and already worked with some amazing players to show for his tallent…
David Catching joined the Dr.No artists club!
Dr. No worked and collaborated with artist Koen Fu on a new “Boutique-Boutique” guitar effect. Dr. No Effects releases mystical collabo-boutiqueness with the ‘KFC Sauce Dispenser’-series ‘CRYSTAL BOOST’ In 2017, Koen Fu took the opportunity to work as an artist in residence at the famous Dr.…
We start off by presenting you our carefully selected dealers in Japan. 東京都渋谷区桜丘町2-1ブリアン渋谷 B1F (株)池部楽器店 アンプステーション 03-5459-6550 東京都豊島区東池袋1-36-1 (株)池部楽器店 ロックハウス池部池袋 03-3989-0069 東京都千代田区神田佐久間河岸55 ASビル (株)池部楽器店 リボレ秋葉原店 03-3862-0069 東京都新宿区新宿3-3-2 新宿地下鉄会館ビル イシバシ楽器 新宿店 03-3350-1484 大阪市北区芝田1-12-7 大栄ビル本館 1F ㈱ワタナベ楽器大阪店 06-6374-1678 兵庫県神戸市中央区三宮町1-9-1-301センタープラザ3F イシバシ楽器 神戸三宮店 078-393-1484 担当:小泉 愛知県春日井市旭町2-19プラザフェニックス勝川106 ドゥーミュージック 0568-33-5437 担当:鈴木 愛知県岡崎市戸崎町字外山38-5イオンモール岡崎3F 島村楽器 イオンモール岡崎店 0564-59-1077…
Very proud to announce that we have opened a new location to distribute our handmade Boutique collection in Japan. www.DrNo-Effects-JP.com
Due to many requests, the SKULLFUZZ is now available in a “tour/pedalboard friendly” housing. The SKULLFUZZ internal circuit remains the same as in the other two versions of the SKULLFUZZ (Human Skull versions and the Art SkullFuzz). The two eye balls are now replaced by two daily knobs that have the function “Volume” & ”…