More Gary


The 15th Anniversary re-release More Gary.

Blues, anyone? From Stevie Ray Vaughan’s super defined Stratocaster twang to Jeff Beck’s dramatic Gibson scream, guess what kind of stompboxes made those sounds? Well, let me tell you, if it wasn’t something extremely similar to the “More Gary” I’ll eat my record collection!

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The 15th Anniversary re-release of the More Gary.

Blues, anyone? From Stevie Ray Vaughan’s super defined Stratocaster twang to Jeff Beck’s dramatic Gibson scream, guess what kind of stompboxes made those sounds? Well, let me tell you, if it wasn’t something extremely similar to the “More Gary” I’ll eat my record collection!

This box handles each “moody blues” mode with ease, from very subtle to a hard strum, it will give you the ability to control your tone with more range and texture.

The “More Gary” definitely longs to be combined with a nice little tube amp and with its exceptional controls it will give you endless tweaking possibilities.


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